captivity|captivities in English


[cap·tiv·i·ty || kæp'tɪvətɪ]

imprisonment, confinement

Use "captivity|captivities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "captivity|captivities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "captivity|captivities", or refer to the context using the word "captivity|captivities" in the English Dictionary.

1. In Captivity He was held in Captivity for three years

2. Captivity definition: Captivity is the state of being kept imprisoned or enclosed

3. Pandas rarely mate in captivity.

4. (initial capital letter) Babylonian Captivity.

5. Two men remain in captivity.

6. Find another word for Captivity

7. The prisoners were released from Captivity

8. The bird had escaped from captivity.

9. The hostages were released from captivity.

10. (1) The first invasion and Captivity

11. The bird had escaped from Captivity

12. The Ups and Downs of Captivity

13. Your Raptors are born in captivity.

14. Animals clearly don't belong in captivity.

15. What does Captivity mean? The definition of Captivity is the state of being trapped, imprisoned or confined

16. Others stayed faithful while in captivity.

17. (2) The second invasion and Captivity

18. These animals rarely thrive in captivity.

19. Wild animals don't breed well in captivity.

20. Of these, around 240,000 died in captivity.

21. They were in captivity for a week.

22. ‘the third month of their Captivity passed’ ‘Most animals' basic needs can be met in Captivity if conditions are sufficiently favourable.’ ‘Later in 1945, when in Captivity, he spoke about the …

23. Jehovah brought his people out of captivity.

24. 10 These animals rarely thrive in captivity.

25. Do you wish to resume your captivity?